Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Battling the Dust Bunnies

I knew they were there. I caught glimpses of them when they thought I wasn't looking. While researching them online I found out this interesting information:
"Dustbunnies have been around for centuries and are an untouched resource of easy-care pets for our busy life styles. They have lived quietly along side us and have already been domesticated. You probably have one or two which have "adopted" you and you wouldn't even know it. The Dustbunny seeks out spaces that receive little traffic, and preferably dark - although some do become curious of the outside world." "Dust Bunnies are very prolific. There is no such thing as ONE Dust Bunny. Left to their own vices, dustbunnies will reproduce at alarming rates." Natural enemies of the Dust Bunny: Giant sucking machines (i.e. Hoovers, Kirbys, Dust Vacs, etc.) keep them as far away from your Dustbunny if you don't want to scare them.

All kidding aside, today is the day I battle the Dust Bunnies in our family room. There are enough there to keep me busy most of the day.


Anonymous said...

If mine looked that good I might let them stay under the bed but I have the vac out to do some work today also. See you in the morning.

Jules said...

That is a cute picture. LOL, I love it. Clean those dust bunnies.